Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Teachings of a Toddler

The past midnight moon that I sleep off to...
The slothful sun that I wake up to...
Cartoon Network my loyal aide...
'Neath scarring sun Cricket played.

The beautiful days too good to last;
A weekend from now they will be past.
And as I trudge on my way to school
Holiday-memories make me drool.

The school awaits with open gates.
Joyous reunion of school mates.
The merriment of friends who meet.
Set up our castle on our seat.

The classroom caper and the playground games;
The backbench banter and the paper planes;
Delight of a different kind,
Vacations vanish from the mind.

The good times past we tend to rue.
We still enjoy the things we do.
Though complaints never cease to flow,
Mirth of mundane never fails to grow.

Though life will play its puckish ploys.
Battle them with those little joys
That help us through those gloomy lanes
And make it worth living... despite the pains.

Let go the grip on yesterday.
Make everlasting memories of today.
Nostalgia of departed days
On the present cast a haze.
Live for now… and the days to come…
The lessons learnt from the toddler ways.

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