Friday, July 4, 2008

Forced Metamorphosis

Born as a caterpillar.
Will I ever become a butterfly?
Am I too lowly for your love?
And too slimy for your eye?

Relentless your resolve
To change what I am.
You say it's for my best.
And I believe in your scam.

Struggling in my cell
My unworthy self I hide.
So that I become
Who you can truly pride.

If I had to die today
And Of me what you have seen.
Will you then have loved
So far what I have been?

Will you miss my yearning
To rid you of your grief?
Or will you rue the fact
Of things I didn't achieve?

Born as a caterpillar.
Will I ever become a butterfly?
Can you not see my beauty
If I crawl
...instead of fly?

- Himanshu

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