Friday, July 4, 2008

Traffic Tangle

Lined up in a queue on wheels
Few more inches each vehicle steals
In this jigsaw on the road
That carries ten times the load
Of shanty trucks and luxury cars
Which honk together a numbing jazz.
Some more buses and the party swells
As I inhale suffocating smells
No room to budge in this traffic jam
And people they all try to cram
In every nook that they can fit
Vroom a little, move bit by bit
To escape the deadly traffic's tangle
All they do is tighten the strangle.

Who cares if someone else gets stuck
As long as you wriggle out of this muck.
So you get ahead while you can
And while you think it's a brilliant plan
The chaos that the individual builds
Causes a jam which smoothly kills
Hope of a solution to start the flow
Of vehicles stuck within this show.
Selfishness that does no good
Even for self as you thought it would.
Slowed down by unneeded haste
Others paths as you invade
But relenting so order may prevail
Against the animal instincts we hail.

When we gain some civility and some tact
And think of the big picture when we act
When we lose our pride to let other's past
When we choose "patience" over "fast"
Is when a better world we will create
And there won't be a jam when I have a date.

- Himanshu

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